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I had been casually collecting chess sets over the years, albeit cheap, barely playable sets made with coarse design and cheap materials. Recently, I've found my interest in collecting chess sets renewed, but now for the more elegant pieces crafted from finer materials — the sorts of chess sets that one can proudly gift to a younger enthusiast or bequeath as a family heirloom. This Dubrovnik set is no exception, and just the unboxing experience earlier this evening made me feel as though a part of chess history had reached forward from the past to touch me in the present. My hope of acquiring an original 1950 Dubrovnik set are beyond remote, yet having even a facsimile like this set allows me to experience what the original pieces might have felt like (but for the extra weight incorporated in these modern pieces, which is an attribute modern players have come to expect).
I purchased the Mahogany-stained boxwood and Natural boxwood pieces. These pieces are elegant, yet possess a substantial heft which makes them more stable on the chessboard. Their finish is polished to a gleaming satin without any distracting glare. The green felted base pads ensure that as the pieces come down onto a chessboard, no abrasion or other aggressive contact mars either the pieces or the board. I find myself continually admiring the craftsmanship in the knights, which capture just enough realism to be recognised as the iconic horse in appearance without emulating the complex visual nuance of a living horse. The execution of the 1950 Dubrovnik knight was a fine balance of simple geometry for ease of production against the aesthetic demands for a familiar equine profile.
All in all, I would highly recommend this set for anyone whose collection lacks a Dubrovnik representative. Surely not everyone will play it as their go-to set, but I believe that everyone can admire the innovation of the design while still reading it as a Staunton set with a healthy Slavic variation.
Quería un juego de ajedrez sólido, bien hecho y a un precio razonable, que pudiera guardar y utilizar para jugar con los niños o para hacer análisis. Aunque me atraía el diseño Staunton de principios del siglo XIX, quería algo un poco diferente. Estaba viendo una reseña de "Random Chess Talk" y tenía a mano una versión del Dubrovnik de Royal Chess Mall. Me gustó lo que vi, así que empecé a investigar las versiones del Dubrovnik de otros fabricantes para conocer su versión de un juego clásico, bien estudiado e históricamente significativo. Royal Chess Mall dio en el clavo en lo que buscaba. Al llegar, inspeccioné el embalaje y no encontré ningún problema, salvo una pequeña abolladura que probablemente se produjo durante el transporte; no es culpa de RCM y las piezas estaban bien. Un par de puntos fuertes para mí fueron las bases anchas y sólidas y una progresión casi lineal desde el rey hasta la torre. Una cosa que siempre me ha parecido una distracción en un juego Staunton es que el rey suele ser desproporcionado en altura con respecto al resto de la línea. Aplaudo la actualización de la torre, que es más fiel al original, y creo que el caballo es uno de los más bonitos que he visto. En resumen, el juego se siente bien en la mano, está bien hecho, no tiene puntas afiladas que distraigan del juego y es algo de lo que estaré orgulloso de pasar algún día. Con un veinte por ciento de descuento sobre el precio normal y envío gratuito, definitivamente considero que es una inversión que merece la pena. Muchas gracias.
The pieces arrived in a sealed box in seven days. The pieces were individually wrapped so as not to touch each other. The unboxing was so exciting that I felt like a child opening his Christmas gift.
I placed the pieces in a 2.5 inch square board. The pieces looked like they were ready for battle. I liked the contrast of the light boxwood pieces and the mahogany stained dark pieces, with their different shades of hue. When I moved the pieces, I felt like they were like butter sliding in a glass. It will be a real pleasure playing with these pieces.
I weighed the pieces individually. The total weight was 1,416 grams. The site declared a weight of 1,350 grams, so I was pleased with the weight of the pieces. Sometimes, I feel like I just want to hold and admire these pieces as it gives me great pleasure.
In conclusion, the pieces met my expectations. Kudos to Royal Chess Mall for providing us chess lovers with a good replica of Bobby Fischer's favorite chess set, at a good price, and excellent service.
This is a good chess set, playable and nice.
Pictures don't do this set justice. Fantastic, balanced, and symmetrical. It fits perfectly on my maple/walnut 2.25 square board. I was so pleased with this set I purchased the antiqued version a few days later. Par excellence..well done sirs.
Bobby Fischer is my favorite chess player and to have a replica of his favorite dubrovnik chess pieces while playing with his games is such a surreal feeling. Next time, I'll save up for your chessboard. Thanks heaps!
Este juego es muy parecido al original de Dubrovnik de 1950. Investigué en Internet y encontré fotos y algunos vídeos de YouTube. La versión de Royal Cess Mall de este set es muy precisa. Lo comparé con otros fabricantes y encontré que éste era el mejor. Es un placer jugar con él. Tiene un buen peso. La artesanía de todo el conjunto y la talla del caballero son excelentes. La madera es densa y el tinte Mahagony es muy parecido al color original. Es divertido pensar que Bobby Fischer tenía un juego como éste. Tengo un tablero de torneo plegable con casillas de 2,5". Encaja perfectamente. Recomiendo encarecidamente este juego de ajedrez.
I've wanted to buy a Fisher Dubrovnik set for years. This set comes the closest and the detail on the knight is incredible. The finish on every piece is like fine expensive furniture. With the discount I could finally afford the set and I believe it's actual value is way more than what I paid. Thank you Royal Chess Mall. Even though it's from India it shipped to my home in the Eastern U.S. in 5 days from completely on the other side of the earth. I highly recommend and I am very happy.
Este es mi único juego tallado a mano y me encanta. Si alguna vez hacen un rey de 3 "voy a comprar de nuevo para mi conjunto de estudio.
Me encantan las piezas de ajedrez. Sólo sugeriría que las hicieran en 3,5". ¡Seguro que pronto compraré otro juego!