Marmurowa szachownica


      Odkryj elegancję i ponadczasowe piękno marmurowych szachownic w Royal Chess Mall. Harmonijne połączenie tradycji i luksusu, które dodaje wyrafinowania każdej przestrzeni. Nasza starannie wyselekcjonowana oferta prezentuje najlepsze rzemiosło, łącząc strategiczny urok szachów z luksusowym urokiem marmuru. Każda marmurowa szachownica jest arcydziełem, skrupulatnie wyrzeźbionym z wysokiej jakości marmuru, a każdy kwadrat jest świadectwem luksusu i trwałości.

      Zapoznaj się z naszą szeroką gamą marmurowych szachownic na sprzedaż, z unikalnymi wzorami i wysoką jakością, które sprawiają, że każda gra jest urzekającym spektaklem wizualnym. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś doświadczonym graczem, czy kolekcjonerem, nasze marmurowe szachy są świadectwem wyrafinowania i wyrafinowanego smaku. Podnieś swoje wrażenia z gry w szachy dzięki gładkiej powierzchni, misternym detalom i trwałemu pięknu tej wykwintnej szachownicy. Zanurz się w artyzmie szachów dzięki marmurowym szachownicom Royal Chess Mall, gdzie tradycja spotyka się z nowoczesnym luksusem.

      {{ liczyć }} produkty

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      Hand Made

      Upto 3 Years Warranty

      Worldwide Shipping


      Zdecydowanie możesz. Dzięki Royal Chess Mall możesz dostosować swój projekt. Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to poinformować nas o swoich specyfikacjach; nasi pasjonaci rzemiosła będą nad nimi pracować, aby wyprodukować najlepsze produkty. Dzięki Royal Chess Mall możesz stworzyć unikalny i piękny zestaw szachowy, który jest idealny dla Ciebie.

      Możesz otrzymać powiadomienie, gdy aktualnie niedostępne plansze szachowe będą dostępne. Następnie możesz dokonać zakupu. Możesz też złożyć zamówienie zwrotne; rozpoczniemy proces produkcji tak szybko, jak to możliwe, aby zapewnić terminową dostawę.

      Rzeczywiście, w Royal Chess Mall wszystkie produkty związane z szachami są wysyłane za granicę za darmo. Od szachownic i zestawów do szachownic, stołów, a nawet pięknie wykonanych pudełek do przechowywania, wszystko jest tutaj dostępne.

      Wysyłamy produkty szachowe na cały świat. Od krajów UE i spoza UE po Amerykę Północną, Royal Chess Mall oferuje ekspresową wysyłkę za pośrednictwem Fedex/DHL w ciągu 4-7 dni roboczych. W przypadku odległych lokalizacji wysyłamy za pośrednictwem Indiapost. Po złożeniu zamówienia można je śledzić i sprawdzić, czy zostało wysłane.

      W Royal Chess Mall akceptujemy płatności kartami kredytowymi (MasterCard, VISA i American Express) lub płatności online, takie jak Pay Pal, Google Pay lub Apple Pay. Jeśli te alternatywy płatności nie działają, skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem, aby otrzymać fakturę płatniczą za pośrednictwem Payoneer.

      W Royal Chess Mall zapewniamy zwrot wszystkich produktów bez zadawania pytań przez 30 dni. Na stronie kupujący muszą skontaktować się z nami w ciągu 30 dni od otrzymania produktu, aby uzyskać wytyczne dotyczące zwrotu.

      Możesz skontaktować się z nami pod adresem


      Everyone who enjoys the game of chess, wants a marble chess board that is both beautiful and useful. Royal Chess Mall is committed to supplying only the finest Marble Chess Boards on the market. We use a crew of expert artisans to make sure you get the finest items possible without breaking the bank. Marble chess boards are only one of many available options in our extensive selection. While browsing our selection, you may locate the solution that best serves your wants and your wallet.


      Marble chess boards, with their timeless elegance, are a stunning addition to the house of any chess enthusiast. The well carved chessmen and the distinctive patterns they feature make for a boards that is as aesthetically pleasing as it is satisfying to play with. We made our marble chess boards in an area with a long history of making high-end items from locally-sourced marble, unlike many other stores who have opted to sell the cheaper boards that are readily accessible in the Far East. You are welcome to peruse our prestigious assortment of marble chess boards. We at The Royal Chess Mall are pleased to have one of the largest selections of high-quality stone and marble chess boards online.



      When it comes to chess boards, stone is unrivaled. Marble and alabaster are two of the most popular stones. A lot of people pick onyx too. Keep in mind that alabaster is delicate and should not be dropped on concrete or other hard surfaces.


      What size of boards do you have in mind? You may get chess boards ranging from itty-bitty to life-size. The size decision should be made in relation to the available area. You should count the available storage space before making a final decision. Get a regular-sized board if you're worried about cramped quarters.


      It's no secret that chess has changed throughout the years. There have been some revisions made to make it more user-friendly for today's players. The chess boards industry has benefited from the wheel of fortune by providing a wide range of designs. The marble chess board is particularly well-liked. Its use dates back to the second part of the nineteenth century. But, there are other styles with just as much depth to their past. They are such classics as Medieval and Barleycorn.


      Do you collect things? Marble and stone chess boards are beautiful keepsakes. The set's packaging is of particular importance here. Check to see if the board you want comes in a box. Before purchasing a case, it is important to inquire as to whether or not it is part of the full collection.


      While shopping for a chess board, you probably didn't expect to have to give any care to the colour. If you're on the hunt for a set of decorative objects, you'll need to make a selection about hue. Choose a shade that will stand out in the space where you plan to keep the board.


      More than 30 years have passed, and Royal Chess Mall has maintained its status as a respected brand in the chess market. Our expertise is in designing products that are sure-fire hits with our clientele. Our experts have the know-how to make elegant marble chess boards from the finest materials. Do you need more convincing to shop at Royal Chess Mall? Learn more about what makes us unique.


      Here at Royal Chess Mall, we have an extensive variety of unique chess boards for sale. We hope that every chess player finds the perfect board for their game. This is why we provide hundreds of unique marble chess boards designs that you won't find at any other retailer.


      The value of individual marble chess boards varies widely, from very inexpensive to extremely costly, depending on the quality of the material they are crafted from. Royal Chess Mall knows how difficult it is to spend a large quantity of money on inferior chess equipment. That's why we're here, with high-quality marble chess boards that won't break the bank. We are the greatest chess shop in the world because of the exquisite and reasonably priced marble chess boards we provide for you.


      If you're looking for the greatest chess store, go no farther than Royal Chess Mall. Our team of professional designers is capable of creating any type of marble chess boards you can imagine. For instance, if you have a vision for the perfect marble chess board, don’t worry, our craftsmen would gladly assist you in making that vision a reality. Are you looking for personalised marble chess boards? Please don't hesitate to contact us. With 30 years of experience, we've learned how to best protect ourselves from the competition and cement our position as the go-to chess shop. Royal Chess Mall is your one-stop-shop for the highest quality marble chess set and boards available online.


      You can trust Royal Chess Mall to deliver high-quality chess boards when you make your purchase. Shipments are made quickly, and are fully trackable. If you don't absolutely like your chess boards, you may return it. All of our marble chess boards come with a guarantee since we are so confident in their quality. The game of chess has stood the test of time. A game of strategy and skill, played out between two opponents. If you're looking for a premium marble chess board to play on, go no further than Royal Chess Mall. The game is played using marble boards on a board, which are moved from one square to another in a strategic fashion. To win, you must move your king into one of your opponent's empty squares. Planning and forethought are needed, as is an awareness of the many moving parts. This marble chess board will put you in the game with elegance. Marble chess, with its one-of-a-kind aesthetic, is a classic game that can entertain players of any age for long periods of time.